Birding USA
The aggresive Kingbird so called because of its desire to be the only bird in any tree
European Starling
Highly successful European Starling introduced to N. America 150yrs or so ago by some well meaning person
Red Breasted Merganser
A couple of Red Breasted Mergansers ICW local January, we also occasionally spot Common Loon passing through at this time of year
Magnificent Frigate Bird
The unmistakable outline of a high flying Magnificent Frigate bird
American Robin
The colourful American Robin very active in flocks of 20 to 30 pass through Florida on migration
American Woodstork classified as an endangered species 20 years ago. Now making a recovery in numbers.
Male Red Cardinal seen alongside Intracoastal Waterway Florida
Belted Kingfisher gone punk. Seen on ICW Florida. Numerous but never common.